Blogs tagged JavaScript

How JavaScript Classes work under the hood

Learn what prototypes are in JavaScript, what are they used for, what prototype chaining is and how do JavaScript classes work under the hood with these concepts.


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A JavaScript developer’s guide to browser cookies

Learn how browser cookies work and how you can access, manipulate and control their visibiliy across browser with JavaScript.


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What is the difference between extends and plugins in ESLint config

Learn how ESLint works, what are the role of plugins and extends keys in your ESLint config and how they make ESLint an extremely configurable and versatile JavaScript Linter.

#JavaScript #ESLint

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Why using object spread with reduce probably a bad idea

Explore why using object spread with .reduce() can sometimes significantly affect the performance of your JavaScript apps and libraries.

#JavaScript #Best-Practices

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JavaScript tips for React Developers

Check out how you can write more efficient, maintainable and clean React code with these simple tips.

#Best-Practices #React #JavaScript

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